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Labral Tears

Labral Tears

What is a labral tear?

Labral tears refer to damage to the soft tissue of either the shoulder or the hip joint known as labrum. Labrum is a ring of tissue with a rubber-like texture that lines the hip and shoulder sockets. Its primary function is a shock absorber and helps stabilize the joint. Ligaments and tendons also attach to the labrum. However, injuries, overuse, and age contribute to damaged labrum or what is called a labral tear. Most of the adult population has some degree of labral tearing in the hip or shoulders and it doesn’t always cause pain, although discomfort can manifest and become debilitating and restrict mobility. As the labrum tissue wears thin or tears, ligaments and tendons become loose and may be more prone to strain like tendonitis, as well as instability of the affected joint.

At Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates (MSSP) we offer minimally invasive treatments to help patients manage pain from a labral tear. Find out more about our treatment options and whether they are right for you.

Symptoms of Labral Tears

Labral tears may be asymptomatic but could show signs and symptoms.

Hip labral tears may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Pain that originates in the hip or groin and worsens when sitting or standing too long, as well as engaging in athletic activities or walking or jogging
  • Clicking, catching, or locking sensation in the hip joint (with or without pain)
  • Reduced mobility or range of motion in the hip joint
  • Pain or difficulty with weight-bearing activities
  • Feeling like your leg(s) are unstable or will give way when attempting to stand or walk

Shoulder labral tears may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Deep, achy pain in the shoulder
  • Popping, clicking, or catching sensation when moving the shoulder
  • Joint instability feeling like the shoulder may pop out of place or dislocate
  • Limited range of motion
  • Shoulder weakness

How are labral tears treated?

Conservative treatments may include rest, activity modification, and anti-inflammatories. However, when conservative treatments fail or do not provide adequate relief, minimally invasive treatments like steroid injections may help reduce inflammation and improve mobility. In many cases, pain management doctors in Corinth also recommend physical therapy in conjunction with steroid injections to help the patient regain strength so that their muscles better support the shoulder and/or hip joints. The best way to know which treatment is right for you is to schedule an appointment with MSSP today. After a thorough examination, our pain management specialist near Jackson, Mississippi, will present the best options and help you decide which treatment will provide the most effective relief.

Treating Labral Tears in Southwest Tennessee and North Mississippi, including Tupelo, MS and Jackson, TN

Labral tears can present no symptoms at all or result in significant pain to the point that you struggle with daily activities like walking through the house on your own or getting dressed and bathing. If you experience shoulder or hip pain and would like to learn more about labral tears and minimally invasive treatments for pain, contact MSSP and schedule a consultation by calling (662) 284-8565.

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(662) 284-8565

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