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Fluoroscopic and Ultrasound Guided Injections

Fluoroscopic and Ultrasound Guided Injections

Injection therapy can help relieve chronic pain in the neck, back, and major joints of the body. Thanks to advancements in medical technology, fluoroscopic and ultrasound guided injections make receiving this treatment easier and more precise, meaning better results for you. Find out how choosing a pain management specialist that uses fluoroscopic or ultrasound guidance can make your injection therapy an effect treatment for your chronic pain.

What do fluoroscopic or ultrasound guided injections mean?

Fluoroscopy is a type of imaging similar to an x-ray, but it captures real-time moving images, whereas x-rays capture still images and do not capture movement. Therefore, the difference between the two is like watching a video recording versus looking at a photograph. Another difference between fluoroscopy and x-rays is that fluoroscopy emits far less radiation than x-ray machines. Fluoroscopy technology makes administering injections extremely more effective, resulting in an improved therapeutic benefit. Fluoroscopy is most often utilized when administering epidural injections, nerve blocks, spinal joint injections, peripheral joint procedures (like the hips and knees). Additionally, fluoroscopy may also be used for diagnostic purposes.

Ultrasound guidance differs from fluoroscopy because ultrasound machines do not emit any radiation at all. However, ultrasounds also capture moving images similar as fluoroscopy, although ultrasounds produce clearer imaging of soft tissue like tendons and ligaments. Therefore, ultrasound guidance is more often preferred when administering soft tissue injections, instead of the joints or spine. The pain management specialists at Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates (MSSP) will recommend the best imaging guidance for your injection.

Preparing for Your Procedure

It is essential that your pain relief doctor in Corinth understands and is aware of your complete medical history before you receive injection therapy.

Be sure to let the doctor know if you have one of the following conditions or take any of these medications:

  • Blood thinners
  • Aspirin
  • Medication that lowers blood platelets
  • Liver disease
  • Low platelets
  • Open sores, wounds, or rashes
  • An active infection or if you are currently taking antibiotics
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • History of cancer or chemotherapy

Before Your Procedure

  • Ensure that the injection site is clean by showering.
  • Eat a normal diet before your appointment. There is generally no need to fast, unless otherwise directed by your doctor.
  • Take your usual medications the day of your appointment, unless the doctor advises you to stop taking specific medications, which will be addressed before your day of treatment.
  • You will be awake during the procedure, although we can provide a mild sedative prior to your appointment if you feel apprehensive or nervous about the injection.
  • Expect your procedure to take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour.

After Your Procedure

  • Feel free to shower afterward, but avoid soaking in the tub, a hot tub, or pool.
  • You should expect to feel pain relief immediately, although it may take 2-4 days before you feel noticeable pain relief.
  • You may experience heightened pain within the first couple of days, but this is normal and should subside after the steroid decreases the inflammation within the targeted area.
  • We will advise you as to when you should follow up with your pain specialist near Tupelo, which is typically 2-4 weeks after your injection.

Fluoroscopic and Ultrasound Guided Injections in Southwest Tennessee and North Mississippi, including Tupelo, MS and Jackson, TN

Using leading edge technology such as fluoroscopic or ultrasound guidance for injections means better care for patients suffering from chronic pain. If you would like to learn more or find out which type of injection therapy is best for your condition, contact Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates by calling (662) 284-8565 to schedule your consultation and begin living pain free!

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(662) 284-8565

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