At Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates, we evaluate and provide pain management solutions to all types of injuries.
Automobile Accidents
Automobile accidents can happen to anyone, and whether you’re at fault or not, injuries and pain may occur. Even mild injuries can result in pain that lingers, yet severe injuries could result in life-long pain. Fortunately, our pain specialists in Corinth provide non-invasive pain relief associated with automobile accidents. Automobile accidents often lead to injuries that are the cause of acute and chronic pain. Injuries as a result of automobile accidents may include fractures or broken bones, or nerve or soft tissue damage.
Our car accident pain relief doctors in Corinth can help manage your pain resulting from:
- Whiplash – A neck injury that commonly occurs from an automobile accident involving rear-end collisions. Whiplash is when the neck suddenly jerks forward and backward and can result in neck pain and immobility.
- Bone fractures – Specifically in the neck, back, or extremities (arms or legs), bone easily fractures in automobile accidents either from the direct impact of the crash, airbag deployment, or loose objects from within or outside the vehicle. Unfortunately, pain often lingers even after the bones heal.
- Spinal injuries – Severe automobile accidents may damage the spine or spinal cord, resulting in nerve damage or complete paralysis, depending on the type of injury that the spine sustained.
- Soft tissue injuries – Soft tissue includes muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which can easily be compromised by a strain or sprain that leads to acute or chronic pain.
Workplace/Workman’s Compensation Injuries
Workplace injuries are commonly associated with factory or construction workers, as well as other jobs requiring manual labor, but office workers and even medical professionals can suffer from injuries on the job. A slip and fall or repetitive use injury can result in debilitating pain that never goes away.
These are the most common injuries associated with on-the-job accidents.
- Sprains or strains – Due to overexertion, improper lifting techniques, or sudden movements, sprains or strains may result in pain, limited mobility, and at the worst, your inability to complete your job functions.
- Lacerations and punctures – Cuts or deep wounds can be severe enough to sever soft tissue like muscles, tendons, ligaments, or nerves that results in acute or chronic pain.
- Fractures – Bones may fracture or break in various types of work-related injuries. Heavy machinery operators and construction workers are most at risk for broken bones on the job.
- Repetitive stress injuries – These types of injuries may occur in any job field, specifically where repetitive movements are more common, like with factory workers or individuals that do a lot of typing or office work. The most common repetitive stress injury is carpal tunnel syndrome, which can cause arm pain, and numbness in the hands and wrists.
- Back and spinal injuries – These injuries may occur from improper lifting, an accidental slip and fall, or other types of accident on the job. Herniated discs and spinal cord injuries are the most common injuries that result in acute and chronic back or neck pain.
Sports-Related Injuries
Whether you’re a professional athlete or an adult that plays recreational sports, sports-related injuries can lead to acute or chronic pain that require medical intervention by a pain specialist.
Types of sports-related injuries include:
- Sprains and strains: Sudden movements or hyperextensions can lead to sprained ligaments or strained muscles surrounding a joint. Unfortunately, strains and sprains are common among those that engage with sports.
- Contusions and bruises: Any type of sport can lead to contusions or bruises, specifically those that require contact, like football, or the use of heavy equipment, like baseball or softball.
- Fractures: Bone fractures or complete breaks always require medical attention. It is also common for bone fractures to cause chronic pain, especially if the break is severe or requires surgical intervention at the time of the injury.
- Joint injuries: Include dislocations or other joint injuries that damage the soft tissue within or surrounding a joint, like worn cartilage, arthritis, degenerative joint diseases, or strains and sprains.
- Soft tissue injuries: Individuals that play sports are most prone to soft tissue injuries like torn ligaments or tendonitis that may require surgical treatment and result in chronic pain or reduced mobility.
- Overuse injuries: Common overuse injuries are tennis elbow, rotator cuff tear, and Achilles tendinitis.
Other Injuries
Injuries don’t always relate to sports or work. Sometimes, they happen from years of repetitive stress or neglecting your health and ignoring immobility. Fortunately, MSSP provides relief from any type of injury that you have suffered from, especially related to the neck and spine. If you experience pain, don’t ignore it. As we say here at MSSP, “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” So, we encourage you to opt for a pain-free journey today with MSSP.
Why Choose Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates of Southwest Tennessee and North Mississippi, including Tupelo, MS and Jackson, TN
At MSSP, our pain doctors in Corinth are with you throughout each step of your pain management plan. From conservative, self-care treatments that include physical therapy, heat/ICE therapy, massage, and rest, our physicians provide collaborative care in order to provide you with pain the relief that you deserve. Our pain relief options in Corinth may include injection therapy, other non-invasive treatments, or nerve ablation therapy.
To learn more or schedule a consultation, contact Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates by calling (662) 284-8565.