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Lumbar Post-Surgery Syndrome

Lumbar post-surgery syndrome

What is lumbar post-surgery syndrome?

Also referred to as post-laminectomy syndrome (PLS), this is a condition in which chronic neck or back pain occurs following the spinal surgery known as laminectomy. Laminectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the posterior portion of the vertebra covering the spinal canal with the goal of creating space. This decompression surgery enlarges the spinal canal in effort to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. While laminectomies generally produce favorable results, about 20% of cases result in chronic neck or back pain. Unfortunately, PLS often indicates that the surgery failed.

What causes post-laminectomy syndrome?

A failed laminectomy is the most common cause of PLS, although there are other reasons this syndrome may occur, including:

  • Scarring from epidural fibrosis
  • Incorrect surgical techniques
  • Recurrent disc herniation
  • Changes in the spinal column
  • Infection in the disc space of the vertebrae
  • Spinal degeneration
  • Inflammation of the membrane surrounding the spinal column
  • Nerve injuries or trauma

Symptoms of Lumbar Post-Surgery Syndrome

Pain is the most reported symptom of PLS. Sufferers often compare PLS pain to be as severe as their pain levels they experienced before spinal surgery. Also, dull or achy pain that originates in the spinal column or legs may occur with PLS. Additionally, sharp, pricking, or stabbing pain may be felt, which may be the result of neuropathic pain.

How is PLS treated?

As with many chronic pain conditions, the first line of defense is to reduce inflammation and improve range of motion or mobility. In cases of PLS, this may be done with anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, or other specialized exercises. However, minimally invasive procedures such as spinal cord stimulation, epidural nerve block, facet joint injections, and radiofrequency neurotomy may be helpful at relieving pain when other more conservative methods have failed.

The goal behind minimally invasive pain relief for PLS is to disrupt the pain signals from reaching the brain so that the body can regain strength and mobility and experience less pain in the process. At Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates (MSSP), we help patients live with less pain or eliminate their pain entirely through outpatient procedures that do not involve major surgery or lengthy recoveries. Many of our patients that receive chronic pain treatment in Corinth at MSSP go on to live active, healthier lives with reduced pain. If you’re ready to begin life without all the pain, start by scheduling a consultation with MSSP today. We will begin with a thorough consultation and collect diagnostic imaging to get an inside view of the changes within your body or problem area so that our pain management doctors can devise the best treatment options for you.

Treating Lumbar Post-Surgery Syndrome in Southwest Tennessee and North Mississippi, including Tupelo, MS and Jackson, TN

Reclaim your health and your movement, pain-free, by choosing Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates. Learn more about minimally invasive procedures to help get you out of pain for good or schedule a consultation by calling (662) 284-8565.

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