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5 Travel tips for chronic pain sufferers

Chronic pain often affects many facets of life from work to play. It can even make traveling difficult and painful or impede traveling entirely. But you don’t have to let chronic pain stop you from experiencing adventures near or far. Today on the blog, Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates (MSSP) in Corinth share five travel tips for chronic pain suffers whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a lengthy vacation.

Maintain Proper Posture

Proper posture is essential to prevent pain while traveling. Whether you’re riding in a vehicle or a long flight across the continent, sit upright and resist the urge to slouch or slump in your seat. Maintain your knees higher than your hips (unless otherwise advised by your physician) and support your lumbar or lower back with a small cushion or rolled up towel. Be careful not to over arch your low back, however, and only apply enough support to maintain a normal curvature in your lumbar region. If you’re able to bring a cooler with you, pack some ice packs and swap them out during your trip. Apply ice packs for up to 20 minutes at a time, as often as needed.

Take Breaks

Taking breaks is essential so that you can stretch your legs and take a leisurely walk to increase blood flow. It also helps energize you if you’re feeling sluggish and tired from driving. If you are traveling by car, a great way to take a break from the road is to visit a welcome center, store, park, or when you stop to fuel up your car. If traveling by plane, take advantage of designated opportunities when you can get up and walk through the cabin.

Drive Smart

If you have a traveling companion that can drive, switch drivers occasionally so that you can let your arms, legs, and neck rest from the strain of driving. When you do drive, keep your hands at the top of the wheel as this hand position is less strenuous on neck muscles. If you’re unable to bring a travel companion along with you, consider flying or traveling by train so that someone else does all the driving for you. Additionally, when not driving, ride in the front seat of the vehicle, which provides more leg room, and adjustable seats.

Exercise Regularly

After a long day of traveling, the first thought for most people is to rest. However, movement is best during and after your road trip. Take advantage of the hotel gym to loosen arthritic joints. Or take a walk and explore the area where you are staying. Ideally, you can get some form of exercise or walk every day while on your vacation. It doesn’t have to be extreme or strenuous but get your joints moving and resist the urge to rest the entire time.

Protection from the Sun

Whether driving or riding in a vehicle, protect yourself against the sun’s harmful rays and heat during the day, which can cause headaches or dehydration. To do this, wear sunglasses while the sun is out (even while inside your vehicle). Also, check your car’s air conditioning before leaving on your trip to ensure it is in working order. Additionally, drink plenty of water to remain hydrated because dehydration can cause muscle cramping or spasms.

Chronic Pain Management in Southwest Tennessee and North Mississippi, including Tupelo, MS and Jackson, TN

Chronic pain should not prevent you from enjoying life or traveling. If you suffer from chronic pain and are in search of relief, contact Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates to learn about our less invasive methods of pain management. To learn more or schedule a consultation, please call (662) 284-8565.

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