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Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator Cuff Injuries

What are rotator cuff injuries?

Rotator cuff injuries are common among athletes and older adults. The rotator cuff is a group of shoulder tendons connecting the shoulder blade to the ball and socket of the shoulder’s joint. These tendons are responsible for arm movements like swimming, playing tennis, and simple household chores like washing your hair in the shower, putting dishes away in the cabinet or reaching to retrieve a set of sheets from a closet shelf.

Rotator cuff damage that does not cause any symptoms is considered asymptomatic but may still need to be addressed to improve shoulder strength and stability. However, this condition can result in inflammation and significant pain to the point that the sufferer may be unable to use their arm at all for any activity even picking up a glass to drink or brushing their teeth.

Injured rotator cuffs may be a result of a fall, trauma or an accident, as well as overuse from repetitive movements, and age. At Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates (MSSP), we offer minimally invasive treatments for pain management so that you can regain your strength and mobility and get on with living your life.

Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Damage

Rotator cuff damage my present a multitude of symptoms, with or without pain.

Symptoms of rotator cuff damage or tears include:

  • Pain when moving the arm overhead or extended from the body
  • Tenderness or swelling around the shoulder joint
  • Clicking or popping sounds when moving the arm
  • Restricted mobility or shoulder stiffness
  • Difficulty sleeping or lying on the affected side
  • General or overall arm and/or shoulder weakness

How is pain from rotator cuff damage treated?

Treatment for a rotator cuff tear or damage depends on the severity of the condition. Conservative treatments can be attempted at first. These treatments may include anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, and activity modification, although if pain and immobility persist, other minimally invasive treatments are available.

With any damaged or injured tissue, inflammation is inevitable, which often results in pain and stiffness. MSSP offers steroid injection therapy, a minimally invasive treatment with no downtime, that relieves inflammation and helps patients regain their mobility. Additionally, steroid injections can help reduce pain associated with the damaged or torn rotator cuff.

However, MSSP also offers minimally invasive treatments that disrupt the pain signals to the brain, allowing the body to heal the injured area while reducing or eliminating the pain entirely.

MSSP also offers pain management treatments following rotator cuff surgery. In severe cases, rotator cuff tears may require surgery. If this is the case for you, our pain management specialists can collaborate with your orthopedic team on the best way to manage your post-op pain.

Treating Pain from Rotator Cuff Injuries in Southwest Tennessee and North Mississippi, including Tupelo, MS and Jackson, TN

Rotator cuff injuries and tears are common among aging adults and athletes. If you’re dealing with pain or immobility in the shoulder and would like to learn more about rotator cuff injuries and find a pain-relieving solution for you, contact MSSP by calling (662) 284-8565.

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(662) 284-8565

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