Sciatic nerve injections help temporarily relieve pain from two weeks to a few months. It can also improve mobility, allowing you to participate in daily activities and rehabilitate and strengthen surrounding muscles. Learn more about sciatic nerve injections offered by Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates (MSSP) and whether this treatment is right for you.
What is sciatic nerve pain?
Sciatic nerve pain originates from the sciatic nerve, a major neural pathway from the spine to the lower limbs. Several muscles and tendons cover the sciatic nerve. Overworked muscles that are restrictive or certain spinal conditions may press or pinch the sciatic nerve, causing burning or tingling pain that radiates through one leg or the other and into the foot. Numbness and leg weakness are also reported symptoms of sciatic nerve conditions. Discomfort may last from a few weeks or as long as several months. Some sciatic nerve cases become chronic and result in debilitating pain.
The Procedure
Also referred to as nerve blocks or epidural injections, sciatic nerve injections are a minimally invasive pain management treatment for individuals suffering from sciatic nerve pain. The pain management doctor in Corinth uses fluoroscopy guidance (similar to an x-ray) to ensure the injection is placed in the precise targeted area. The procedure takes about 10-20 minutes to administer the injection, and you can expect to be able to sit up and walk immediately afterward. Results may last up to six months and patients seeking sciatic nerve injections may have three to six injections per year. The purpose of the sciatic nerve injection is to help reduce inflammation and pain so that the patient can rehabilitate and strengthen their surrounding muscles for long-term pain relief.
Before Your Procedure
Most patients need little prepping before a sciatic nerve injection. However, you will be unable to drive yourself home afterward. Therefore, arrange for a trusted individual to drive you to and from your appointment. You may also find it helpful if someone can sit with you for the remainder of the day in case you are unstable while walking. Additionally, our pain management doctor will review your health history and medical record to inform you of any specific guidelines you need to follow before receiving your sciatic nerve injection in Corinth.
After Your Procedure
Most individuals can carry about their usual routine after a sciatic nerve injection. However, you may feel sore at the injection site and feel like resting for a day or two. Also, the injection contains a temporary anesthetic, and therefore, it is not uncommon to experience immediate pain relief followed by pain again a few hours later once the anesthetic wears off. This is common, although the injection is still taking effect to relieve pain.
Risks and Complications
Risks and complications of a sciatic nerve injection are rare, although be aware of these potential warning signs that you need to see your pain management doctor right away.
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
- Running a fever
- Infection or bleeding at the injection site
- Nerve injury
- Loss of muscle usage in the lower limbs
- Loss of bowel or bladder function
Sciatic Nerve Injections in Southwest Tennessee and North Mississippi, including Tupelo, MS and Jackson, TN
Sciatic nerve pain can interfere with your life and ability to care for yourself like showering, walking, sitting, or driving. If you experience chronic sciatic pain and would like to know more about minimally invasive treatments for this condition, contact Midsouth Spine & Pain Associates by calling (662) 284-8565.